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Old 05-03-2024, 02:45 PM   #9343
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Sashkalegion is on a distinguished road

Title: Goddess Leena Fox All You Can Do Is Oink As I Ruin You, Pay Piggy Brain Rewiring

Description: Goddess Leena Fox!

This is an intense mindrinsing clip with heavy repetition, whisper tracks, subliminal messaging, ear to ear whispering, multiple layers of voices in your brain overlayed one on top of the other, all meant to wash your brain until there's nothing left but 'Oink'.

Oink is all that you can say. Do you hear me, piggy? Oink is all that you can say. Just stare at my perfect body, my beautiful, young, tight curves. Stare at me and know that 'Oink' is all that you can say. Stare at my perfect cleavage that's busting right out of my bikini top. Oink is all that you can say. Oink is all that you can think. All you can do right now is oink. Oink is all that you can say. Oink is all that you can think. I'm reprogramming you so all that you can say, is Oink. And you are so grateful because you love being my piggy. Oink is all that you can say while you stare at my perfect young body in this sexy bikini. All you can do right now is Oink and stare at my tits. All you wanna do is Oink, isn't that right pig?

Oink, oink, oink. Oink is all that you can think in that piggy brain of yours. Oink is all that you can say. My pig loves to Oink for me. There you go, that's it, get lost in it, that's my pig. You are a pig, you are my pig and Oink is all that's in your head. Oink is all that you can say. And no matter what I say to you, no matter what I ask of you, no matter what I demand of you.. Oink is all that you can say. Your vocabulary begins and ends right there. Oink. All you can do is Oink. If I ask you how you are, the only response I want to hear out of you piggy, is Oink. Because that's all that you are to me, just a pig, a pay pig. Nothing else. Nothing you say matters to me so why bother speaking. You're not a man, you're an oinking paying pig. So Oink and pay. That's all you need to do, that's all I care to hear. And I'm going to wash your brain until you're my obedient, oinking, mindless piggy. Just Oink more and more as you stare at my perfect curves and just get lost in this bliss.

Format: MP4
Duration: 10 Min
Size: 690 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080

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